Feedback and suggestions

Sexuality in search.

Can we add sexuality into the search. I’m into guys as feeders but don’t want to weed through straight guys or approach someone romantically who just isn’t interested.
2 years

Sexuality in search.


I think this should be an overall improvement.

Orientation is already even in profiles, albeit within the "Dating" section that most can't see. Building on this, a suggestion might be to move orientation to the "About Me" of a profile.

The main advantage of doing this, that I see, is that for the most part, less undesired attention from other users. Straight folks don't want potential romantic attention from LGBT members, and vice versa.

As a bonus, as far as interaction in general, anti-LGBT bigots who don't express this position (they'd likely end up violating web site rules if they do) would also leave the LGBT folks alone.

The only downside I can think of is this could mean some straight women might end up with even more attention, but I have the impression the ones who stay and can deal with it, are already used to it, and I can't imagine it getting much worse than it already is.
2 years

Sexuality in search.

I wanted to get rid of my "dating" profile but it won't let me delete it. I don't even remember filling it out 13 years ago
2 years

Sexuality in search.


I think this should be an overall improvement.

Orientation is already even in profiles, albeit within the "Dating" section that most can't see. Building on this, a suggestion might be to move orientation to the "About Me" of a profile.

The main advantage of doing this, that I see, is that for the most part, less undesired attention from other users. Straight folks don't want potential romantic attention from LGBT members, and vice versa.

As a bonus, as far as interaction in general, anti-LGBT bigots who don't express this position (they'd likely end up violating web site rules if they do) would also leave the LGBT folks alone.

The only downside I can think of is this could mean some straight women might end up with even more attention, but I have the impression the ones who stay and can deal with it, are already used to it, and I can't imagine it getting much worse than it already is.

I am a straight woman. I am one of the rare people who completely filled out my profile - including my sexuality. Most people haven't paid attention to it.
2 years

Sexuality in search.


Orientation is already even in profiles, albeit within the "Dating" section that most can't see. Building on this, a suggestion might be to move orientation to the "About Me" of a profile.

Can you profile some further information about this please. The dating section is available for everyone, so all users, free or subscribing will be able to fill this out and view it on others profiles.

Can we add sexuality into the search. I’m into guys as feeders but don’t want to weed through straight guys or approach someone romantically who just isn’t interested.

We can certainly look into adding sexuality / orientation to the profile search function.

Reflection Of Perfection:
I wanted to get rid of my "dating" profile but it won't let me delete it. I don't even remember filling it out 13 years ago

At the moment there isn't a way to hide the dating section from your profile. You can put down that you're looking for friendships , if your not on the site for romantic or sexual partners. Other option is to leave the section blank for now!

2 years